I posted this in Carlson but only got one reply. One used to be able to draw 2d and 3d polylines by point #(Carlson 2008 stand-alone). Draw Line>P(for points) Either by entering a point # or a range (#-#) of numbers. It works for lines but not polylines. What happened? (Now using Civil/Survey 2009)
If you go to Help -- About Carlson, what build number does the command report? The build number is in the date form of YYMMDD. Make sure your build date is equivalent to the build date of the most recently released version of your software product (e.g. for Civil/Survey 2009, this would be found at http://update.carlsonsw.com/updates.php?product=Carlson&version=2009 .
If the problem persists with the current version of the software, please feel free to send me your DWG and CRD along with the exact command(s) you are trying to run and I'll see if I can replicate.
We are running Survey/Civil w/Autocad Map (Build Sept 09) The Update patch is the same year so I didn't download it. When I go to DRAW>2dpoly, the command prompt does not ask for "Continue, Extend...(Point or Point#). It merely asks "from point?". Inputting coord point#'s has no effect. If I plug in a point #, the line starts at 0,0 instead of the point #(which is not at 0,0). This happens with all drawings.
Here is what I got when I ran the Draw 2D Polyline routine:
>[Continue/Extend/Follow/Options/]: 1
>PointNo. Northing(Y) Easting(X) Elev(Z) Description
>1 414855.557 2114687.102 1819.401
>Segment length: 0.00, Total length: 0.00
>[Arc/Close/Distance/Follow/Undo/]: 2
>PointNo. Northing(Y) Easting(X) Elev(Z) Description
>2 414863.837 2114486.123 1820.714 BM
>Segment length: 201.15, Total length: 201.15
I don't have Map available on my computer and ran my test with IntelliCAD as I don't have an earlier version of AutoCAD to experiment with. My Carlson build number is 090909. If the behavior continues to exist, I'd suggest contacting the Carlson Technical Support Staff at 606-564-5028 as I'm sure they've got a similar/identical software configuration as yours they can use for testing purposes.
This has to be either a bad download or an Autocad Map problem. I am running Carlson Survey 2008 on LDD 2007 and also Carlson Survey 2010 with embedded AutoCad and do not have this problem. Having versions on either side of yours makes me suspect that it may be a Map problem.
A look at downloading the latest build may still fix the problem. I had a copy of the software that I had issues with. The current build was not only the same year, but was only one day newer than what I had on the CD. What a differance a day can make!! If the month and day of the posted build is newer than that on your machiene, then your problem may get fixed. If not, then it is an AutoCad Map issue.
When you next upgrade, take a look at the Carlson products with the embedded AutoCad. They cost more than the Intellicad versions, but they cost less than putting Carlson on top of an AutoCad product and they work just fine.
Carlson, as a company, seems intrested in keeping their customers going. So, if you are not going, well, call them. They will help.
Thanks All.
I'll keep playing with it, try the update, and check the menus. Also going to type "2dp" and "3dp" at the command line to see what happens.