I have been trying to install on a new computer with Windows 7 professional and the installation is failing and I need some help please. This is a portion of the installation log, it looks like Microsoft Visual C++ is failing to load.
2015/1/9:09:00:39 User QUADRO-PC Rollback Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2015 Succeeded
2015/1/9:09:00:39 User QUADRO-PC Rollback Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs 10.0 Failed Failure is ignored, Result=1619
2015/1/9:09:00:39 User QUADRO-PC Rollback SQL Server CE 4.0 SP1 x64 Failed Failure is ignored, Result=1619
2015/1/9:09:00:39 User QUADRO-PC Rollback DirectX Runtime Failed Failure is ignored, Result=1619
2015/1/9:09:00:39 User QUADRO-PC Rollback Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) Update 4 Failed Installation aborted, Result=1619
2015/1/9:09:00:39 User QUADRO-PC Rollback Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) Update 4 Failed Installat
This may seem like a stupid question, but, are you logged in as administrator?
I have installed Carlson Survey and other programs without a problem.
Try running windows update to make sure everything is up to date then run the install. Also disable any virus/security software before running the installer.
Looks like a corrupt partial install.
The best thing to do is clean out al 2015 products manually, including the Registry keys and start over.
Im not sure why you installed carlson first, though. you should be able to install carlson ontop of Civil that comes in with the design suite. You;ll end up with two sidebar side installations of CIvil3D, or at least partial installs.
That might be the problem, the order that you did the installs.
I should have clarified myself better, I also have a subscription of plain vanilla AutoCad that I installed Carlson over, I was trying to get Civil 3D installed separately.