Just checked the Costco website, 27" monitors are available for under $300. I may have to upgrade soon.
Been using dual 20's and can not imagine working on a single monitor no matter how big.
I vote for dual 24" monitors and 32 meg of ram on a 64 bit windows 7 notebook.
Under $300?
Make sure you're getting a 2560x1440 27" monitor and not a 1920x1080 screen.
A good 27" screen will usually run around $600 and up.
Perry, I use
3 comps with 3 mice simultaneously and I have 6 monitors, one for each of you.:-D
Just checked, and you are right. The 27"-er under $300 is 1920x1080. Higher resolution 27"-er's are in the $600-$700 range.
IMAC 27" plus a 27" Thunderbird monitor.
My technician saws his eyes are shot at the end of the day.
He does have a dumb attorney.