Paste the following into google earth search:
44°23'31.8" N, 121°10'17.3" W
... or ...
Follow this google maps link: 3'31.8%22+N,+121%C2%B010'17.3%22+W&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=44.391832,-121.171829&spn=0.002047,0.004061&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.136668,66.533203&vpsrc="6&t=h&z=18"
Looks like a Duck pond....
> Looks like a Duck pond.... Oregon "Duck" pond... 😉
Good call A Harris - Duck Pond.
It was built by a big Duck.
Would have to see the Legal Description, but looks like whoever owns that farm plot. No public access is obvious.
I've got to get me one of those.
Mike, that's awesome. Thanks 😉
Hint 1
Lunch time hint...
This guy would be a shoo-in to build giant edifices to the University of Oregon.
Hint 2
> Lunch time hint...
> This guy would be a shoo-in to build giant edifices to the University of Oregon.
And the "shoo" would have a big swoosh on it...
Hint 2
Phil Knight? Really?
I tried to look it up in the Deschutes Co GIS, but it is just over the line into a different county and the tax lots show. The pond is much different (smaller) in 2005 when the GIS photos were taken.
Phil Knight- owner of Nike
We have a winner! Oregon boy, of course.
A fellow surveyor who had worked on Knight's project up in Jefferson County sent some pretty cool photos of the Oregon "O" at Knight's new Central Oregon ranch after taking an airplane tour of the area. So we have one of the biggest billionaire (1) Oregon boosters, (2) Stanford boosters and (3) Asian slave-labor enthusiasts in the world right here in our backyard!