Anyone have a favorite recipe?
There's some good stuff HERE
I usually go with something like the...Wood Family Favorite in a butter entrée
For a few seconds I thought that was a bowl full of little mice. Gag a maggot!
😉 That's quite a find. What kind of locator did you use?
Ok I'll ask, what is that?
It's all true.
Morels are great stuff this time of the year and we would only soak those in salt water for an hour or two to get ants and other bugs out. Then it would be Land O' Lakes time frying them up in the best butter that could be found. A little salt and you are there.
If you give a gift of these around here, and there is no response, you can write them off even if they are relatives. We have done that.
Morels, just with butter and garlic, pepper and a touch of salt. Good eatin' doesn't get any better than that. Put them alongside a good bison steak, or sprinkle them over a fresh caught trout. Perhaps with a sprig or a pinch of cilantro. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar are other good options too, but use restraint or you will overpower the the luxurious taste of the morels.
It's that time of year here as well. All the burned over areas are just full of morels.