This tightwad refuses to pay exorbitant monthly fees to receive 900 TV options when I can get 16 stations now from my large pole-mounted antenna. Until recently there were 12. Suddenly we gained four more. Nearly everything on those channels is very old. Zane Grey Theatre and Laramie from the late 50's and early 60's, for example. Walker Texas Ranger and Night Court. McLintock, The Shaggy Dog, The Absent-Minded Professor, Tom Horn and a boatload of other old movies. One channel is predominantly black, featuring old TV shows and movies with predominantly black actors, such as the very interesting movie, "Pride", about an inner-city first attempt at a swim team. I'm losing sleep because of this new offering of old entertainment. Must.....wean.....myself.....soon.....or....else.....
Just imagine, of all the TV out there, you somehow are lucky enough to receive the only 16 channels worth watching!
There is a Baltimore (MD) sub station which concentrates on older movies and tv shows.
I pay (exorbitantly) for hundreds of channels. I actually watch about six of them.
I can tune-in over 1000 channels but actually only 20% are unique. Others are redundant (duplicates) with HD format or en Espanol. There are also about 300 'music' channels with no actual video feed, but great music. You can pick by genre. I sleep to the "fifties" genre. Nothing like listening to Bobby Darren's "Splish-Splash" after watching Rowdy Yates, Gil Favor and Cookie on Rawhide. 99% of my cable feed is garbage, but I do love my NFL channels.
At least there was something to watch other than the comedy act that was on all the mainstream channels last night, except NBC which was smart enough to offer a real football game instead.
Movies and TV shows can be found and watched or downloaded from YouTube and a few others for free.
Most newer TVs have USB plug where they can be opened and viewed or your computer can send to the TV over several configurations.
Major networks have apps that past episodes can be viewed on your smart phone that can be hooked to your TV.
Basic cable package with DVR. Everyone is always on the run here so DVR is essential. Plenty of options for viewing or listening.
DVR makes life easy
Amazon prime Fire stick for streaming
Old movies tv and music.
Slowly viewing the Sopranos. One or two week and I'm
Into the 2nd season. What a wonderful family saga.
DVRs are the best thing that ever happened to watching football.
We just bought the Dick Proenneke Alaskan videos. "Alone in the Wilderness". They are really awesome. Guy, in 1968, Goes to Alaska, builds a cabin, and lives alone for 30 yrs.
It's Andy Griffith for our favorite evening time watching. My little girls like it too. It comes on from 8 to 9 in the evenings which is pretty much the only time I look at the tube.
Nate The Surveyor, post: 394652, member: 291 wrote: We just bought the Dick Proenneke Alaskan videos. "Alone in the Wilderness". They are really awesome. Guy, in 1968, Goes to Alaska, builds a cabin, and lives alone for 30 yrs.
Buy his "other book" (later) and read it. Dick wasn't real happy with the editing for the "alone in the wilderness" series. The second book is long and very detailed including what he did many days and his plane crash. The book is much less Hollywood and down to earth, I do recommend it !
I mounted a digital antenna as well. We get an awesome picture and can watch some of the good programming that's put out over-the-air. I also got a dvr that will record antenna-programs. Now I can watch them @ my convenience instead of being locked in to the exact time it is airing. That and streaming....I don't go for the satelite tv
Even better...we went camping this weekend and there was NO TV reception.