So my oldest boy, who is in 5th grade, came home from school the other day and I was looking through his folder and I saw this test. He is a good student, never studies, always does his homework before leaving school and rarely asks for help. Didn't even know these were topics for 5th graders. Today he asked how GPS works...
I guess I better get ready for a part-timer soon..?ÿ
I know some "Professional Land Surveyors" who would probably flunk that test.
A worthy topic for studying.?ÿ Nice to see this sort of education is still deemed to be important.
Wow, I'm impressed.?ÿ Public school?
Nope, our kids go to a Private Catholic School - where they also teach cursive handwriting 😉
We have grandson in a private Waldorf Kindergarten...I call it the cost of caring.
their Friday hike is up to two miles, rain or shine. They are working up to 3 miles.
That is impressive Ryan!?ÿ Wow!!
Same here. I like to hear good news about public schools, though, which is why I asked...that news is getting rarer and rarer...
My daughter is in a private school through the week and foreign language school on Saturdays and she studies religion and martial arts on Sundays.
Despite the wording in the US Constitution, not all children are created equal.?ÿ The so-called parents are 99 percent of what makes the difference.?ÿ They all need to be in school somewhere.