I am a little confused. If you click a thumbs up, then you get a little popup, where we can select Thumbs Up, or Thumbs Down. Then, you can look at a post, and it says that Holy Cow or Radar "Reacted". Does this mean that they gave it a thumbs up, or a thumbs down, or is that hid from the users? I sometimes try to give a thumbs up, and I am not sure it did.
And, there are some new names. Like "Decision Maker", and "Plat Signer" then there is "FNG". Anybody who reads knows what that means. I am not too sure how I earned the moniker "Decision Maker". Could we name ourselves? "Tick Food", or some sort of mafia name or Cow Pie.
I don't really mind... but I am curious. Will I some day become Big Bad Nate? or Leroy Brown?
I am just curious.
Me too Natester, if you just click the thumb thing does that mean a ??like? or do you have to select from the menu that pops up? ?????ÿ
If you hover over the like button, you get the two options. So you could hover and then click on the one you want.
If you just want to like a post, just directly click the like button.
Reactions are in their first iteration. I hope to have them broken down for members to show likes vs dislikes in the near future. Perhaps even some other reaction options. And perhaps a better differentiation after you've reacted to a post.
The titles used to be based on the number of posts. FNG has been there for years, since I didn't want to use "0+ posts" for new members. I came up with new titles but they are open to change. Again, it's a first iteration and I was thinking about allowing members to set their own titles.
This new version of the forum was about 90% totally rewritten from the ground up, so kinks, bugs and other odd behavior will be addressed. Typically, software updates are on a monthly basis.
I know you did not ask for advice, but if you will go to YOUTUBE, and find CLICK and CLACK, car talk, I think there is an abundant supply of ideas there. I am NOT suggesting that you should do it. But, that IF you did, you WOULD find a wealth of ideas..... As this web site moves forward, I'd like to see occasional MUSIC included, with certain actions. Or sound effects. A whole list of reactions. I mean, I could even assign a sound for some posters. Holy Cow, and there are sounds of cow pies hitting the ground. IF you listen to CAR TALK, (The tappet Brothers) and their credits, many things will, possibly "Fall in Place". No offense aimed at Mr. Cow, (Bull?)
Statistician | Marge Innovera |
Studio Repair Technician | Sloan Cranky |
Just to kinda get you started.
Seriously, I hope you stay encouraged, and have a happy time listening to car talk someday.
MAYBE, some day, you could have a call in program, with survey problems... I am NOT sure that this is a GOOD idea, but I am SURE that you could have alot of fun. Or something!
Well, @nate-the-surveyor, now you've gone and done it. 😉
What I thought would take some time to implement literally took a couple of minutes. So custom member titles are now available. 🙂
I think it would be fun if you allowed sound effects, like passing wind, for certain events. Thumbs Down "Beeeewwwww".?ÿ If the moderator gets onto somebody, a siren and lights appear... Just occasionally, when there is alot of signal that is. I am not looking to get arrested here, but to kind of encourage you, interactively!
Now, I have to think of my new Italian name!!! (Thanks!) Kinda scary.
Another feature that would be nice, is that when you click on a message you have already looked at, it takes you to the first new response in that thread.
IF you listen to CAR TALK, (The tappet Brothers) and their credits, many things will, possibly "Fall in Place".
My mom got me addicted to Car Talk. Those guys were geniuses! I use?ÿwere because, unfortunately, one of the brothers passed away a number of years ago.