Since he made the big discoveries?
Oops. I was thinking of the wrong one.
Don Bormann from the middle of Missouri used to be quite active on the old
Really a nice guy and a very good surveyor.
I vaguely recall that Don Blameuser claimed to have discovered some realllllllly good pills.
anyone else notice the absence of Don B (& snoop)
> Since he made the big discoveries?
Yeah, a quick Google Image search for DB turned up a couple clues:
And, say, where has snoop gone off to, too?
Thanks for noticing, Rankin.
I really do like that pill, but I'm not as young as Nate and my wife isn't as patient as his apparently is, so I can't spend all my spare time in that pursuit.
Just been busy with other things for a while. Missed you guys, though.
Glad to see you back!
It's a blessing to have good friends that I've never met.
Thank you,