It appears that my new R10-2 only stores data in the .T04 format. My two older R10's I think only do .T02. The Alloy has the option of either one, I alwys use .T02.?ÿ?ÿ
As far as I can tell from searching, the .T04 is a newer format that can have IMU data in it, not sure what other enhancements there might be, supposedly it is a bit more compact, but with memory and bandwidth so cheap that is not terribly important to me.?ÿ
The issue is that runpkr00 (version 5.40, is there a newer version?) will not convert .T04 to .tgd or .dat. Either of these two formats are necessary for teqc (I like the summary file created by teqc using the +qc option)
Also, post processed RTX will not accept .T04 (this is strange, it is a Trimble utility). So the only option I can see for RTX is to have the receiver convert to rinex when downloading using the webUI or when uploading by ftp from the receiver. Or converting after download using the trimble convert to rinex utility, which is an extra step.?ÿ