I just fixed an old CR344 with informations I found here and now tried to hook up the SR 399.
I always get an "Invalid Antenna" message on the controller and so I hook the SR399 up to the PC with the Leica Workbench software.
Usingt the sensor upload utility I get the message that I have a valid firmware, interestingly the sensor and the antenna are indicated as "unkonwn" and "-1" is reported as serial number.
Any ideas?
Thank you
I wonder if the "valid firmware" is just readable valid or up to date working valid? If you could get the antenna/sensor to work with a modern mini controller, that would be useful. That is if everyone could still remember where in the garage that SR399 is.?ÿ Stick it out the window and see what you get.
@oldpacer Thanks for the advice, I'll give that a try.
It was the last firmware version (5.04) that I have on hand, I also tried to update it wich was possible but showing the same issue.