Living on an island, I run into this alot.?ÿ As I understand, to generate a solution, the work site must be within a triangle formed by OPUS stations (CORS?)
We have a number of CORS stations but our work sites are not typically within a triangle formed by CORS stations.
Is their a workaround in OPUS I'm not seeing ??ÿ Thanks for your comments in advance.
FILE: 28650141.20o OP1579306255809
?ÿ6029?ÿ?ÿ After the single baseline analysis, fewer than 3 useable
?ÿ6029?ÿ?ÿ reference stations remain. Aborting.
Under options you pick CORS sites to use.
UFCORS and PP software. Download and process on your own.?ÿ Years ago i had bad geometry and the nearest CORS was 45 to 60 miles away.?ÿ I had some 8 hour sets that came out ok but not great.?ÿ It was back when MTS gave away static (now Leica network) and I could process through TopCon Tools.?ÿ Then I bought some old sokkias and setup a base on my roof.
OPUS isn't good at giving the most relevant and informative error message.?ÿ I've seen this message when I submitted too soon, before the CORS data had all become available on the NGS computers, so if you do have more CORS in the region it may work later.
I didn't think OPUS-S required the point to be within a triangle of CORS.?ÿ OPUS-RS did originally require it to be within the polygon of CORS, but they relaxed that by 50 km.
That usually would be enough, but it isn't the hours after observation directly that counts. I found it best to wait until about 1 PM eastern time on the day after the Greenwich day of the last observation in the file.
So if you take data after 2 pm on the 15th in Hawaii that's 16th UTC. You have to wait until the end of the 16th UTC plus time for the data to be processed.?ÿ I wouldn't expect all the data to be ready until maybe 7 or 8 am of the 17th in HI. Occasionally later.
That usually would be enough, but it isn't the hours after observation directly that counts. I found it best to wait until about 1 PM eastern time on the day after the Greenwich day of the last observation in the file.
So if you take data after 2 pm on the 15th in Hawaii that's 16th UTC. You have to wait until the end of the 16th UTC plus time for the data to be processed.?ÿ I wouldn't expect all the data to be ready until maybe 7 or 8 am of the 17th in HI. Occasionally later.
That was my suspicion as well.