I'll preface this by saying I'm a Trimble homer. I like the guys at the local dealership and have gotten to know and like them. I also like the guy that sells Leica locally, but I'm too deep into Trimble's business model to change all of my hardware and especially software.
Last year I did the Javad trial and very impressed, but I never pulled the trigger because of the different software and not having time to personally learn it in and out, so that I can support my crews if they need it. Yesterday I decided to pull the trigger on the Javad Triumph LS/Triumph 2 gear. When I powered on the software I was lost and desperately needed help. I called two different support members (both licensed surveyors) and they were great. Javad has the ability to remotely control my software and the they were able to get into my machine and get everything running. It was super cool! I'm am confident that I can put new equipment into an employee's possession and they will be able to get the job done.
I will continue to use Trimble robotics, but I think I will be slowly moving into Javad GPS as my R8s die. I know a lot of Javad guys participate on this forum and I hope you all are proud of the work you're doing. If anyone is on the fence about Javad's gear I say go for it. Another day I will report back with details about Beast RTK (which I think is a cheesy name, but very awesome) and the Android app and the other cool features. Enjoy your weekend!
Edited to say sorry I didn't proofread that post and typing in my phone is PITA. I'm usually a grammar nazi.
I thought the Beast mode was also a cheesy name until I did a side by side comparison with the LS and my Triumph-1 w/Carlson for a couple of hours. Night and day difference. Very impressed with the LS-beast mode. I don't know why anyone would ever want to run this in any other mode. Other things I thought was cheesy is the all in one box and weird pole. Now I love that weird pole and love the all in one box. Funny how things change after a few days of using the thing. Wonder how long it will take for other manufactures to copy this idea and make it their own.