Who is using Beidou in solutions and does it help any?
I can and sometimes do HOWEVER it is more frequently not used.?ÿ
Down here in NZ there are often more beidou sats than GPS overhead. Wouldn't say it improves accuracy in any dramatic way but huge improvement in being able to get a fix in challenging sites.
Why do the Chinese hate Argentina? I??m joking.
No experience with Beidou, just curious about how its data is used in combination with other signals. Still reviewing their ICD.?ÿ
see: http://en.beidou.gov.cn/SYSTEMS/Monitoringandevaluation/201911/t20191116_19484.html
Unfortunately, their link to ephemerides points to plots of the orbit paths and not SV positions. Do they have a precise orbit product??ÿ
A friend who is part owner of eGPS Solutions told me that because the North America is on the other side of the planet from China we get less Beidou coverage and even fewer satellites used in the solutions because the Chinese do all maintenance and when it is over North America so it is not a nefarious plot.
Note: take this w/ lbs of salt.
Per my phone talks w/ Rene (when he was trying to make a sale), he said that internally they noticed better results w/ Galileo than w/ BeiDou. AKA a smaller plus/minus with the former compared to the latter.?ÿ They do, however, expect that to likely improve with greater converage and he still recommended using them.
For me, unless specifically told not to, I use the "birds" that I can see.?ÿ All of 'em.