I am looking for some reading/studying suggestions for the Vermont State exam. I am mainly interested in the things I should look into and know that are specific/unique to VT. Thanks
Sorry for the late post but I just joined.
I suggest contacting the Vermont Society of Land Surveyors via their website email address and they will send you an order form for their reference materials. They were VERY helpful.
Good luck.
Thanks for the reply!
I have ordered the materials from VSLS. Any other reference material you suggest to bring for the exam? Is Act 250 a subject to be concerned with?
I would concentrate getting to know/finding your way around the VSLS stuff you ordered...
good luck!
Thank you sir.
Know or learn what "thrown up", means.
Got it, luckily when it comes to roads NH and VT are similar. It is you crazies in Maine that have to be different. 😉