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NDSPLS Fall Education Seminar

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Andy Nold
Posts: 2016
Topic starter

Anyone else going to the Fall Education Seminar in Bismarck next week? I will be there picking up some continuing education more applicable to PLSS states and enjoying the fine weather of the northern great plains. The hotel sent me a confirmation email yesterday stating that the forecast for my arrival is daytime high of 1 and overnight low of -6. As a Texan, I'm not sure I understand these numbers. Perhaps they are using a different scale for temperature measurement. But, to be on the safe side, I will pack a sweater.

Posted : December 7, 2016 9:38 am
Posts: 5696

Andy Nold, post: 402840, member: 7 wrote: As a Texan, I'm not sure I understand these numbers. Perhaps they are using a different scale for temperature measurement. But, to be on the safe side, I will pack a sweater.

As a Texan I assume you will say something like "yeah, it is a bit chilly up here, but let me tell you about the time that blue norther came through back home in 2004" 😉

Posted : December 7, 2016 10:44 am
Andy Nold
Posts: 2016
Topic starter

Actually, it was 1994 and I was living in Pecos. First time I ever saw snow and it was a bunch. Over 18 inches in a 24 hour period. Next day the sun was out but it took forever to get rid of all that snow. It was so dry out there, we had to rake it into piles and burn it.

Posted : December 7, 2016 11:01 am
Posts: 9867

I looked at the picture in Moe's post and went and put on another sweater, even though I'm staying inside today. That photo may help you understand.

At least it's sunny today where I am, although it probably won't get above freezing.

Posted : December 7, 2016 11:43 am
Posts: 25369
Supporter's a dry cold............................hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Negative numbers are cold. It doesn't matter what the relative humidity happens to be. It's still cold.

Add about 15 feet of snow to Moe's picture and you can envision what I endured in the snow belt along Lake Michigan about 40 years ago. Oh, yeah. Be sure to add in the drifting that occurs with those 50 mph breezes as they waft in from the lake, which is about forty feet below your normal elevation on top of the bluff. Winter driving is from a short tunnel into a long tunnel turning left into another long tunnel then a right into a short tunnel before turning left again into a long tunnel before turning right again into a short tunnel that opens into a parking lot. But, is it the correct parking lot?????

Posted : December 7, 2016 12:07 pm

Posts: 88

Andy, I plan on attending. It's not so much that those temperatures are so bad. It's the wind that will absolutely kill any desire to step outside to do anything. Hope to get the chance to meet up and say thanks.

Posted : December 7, 2016 6:12 pm
Posts: 25369

Pissing on the tripod is not recommended at such temperatures.

Posted : December 7, 2016 6:19 pm
Posts: 2812

Back in early 2014, I was passing through Nixa, Missouri to set a few property corners, on my way to a job in St. Joseph, Missouri. The night I arrived in Nixa, the temperature was a -3. I could feel my nose hairs freezing it was so cold. Almost the entire route from Sikeston, Mo to Nixa along Highway 60 was two tire tracks through the ice and snow. It was a long, tedious drive.

I had to buy a snow shovel when I got to St. Joseph to dig out the snow piles for my cross sections of the side road I was surveying. The snow plow had made quite a mess. It was a memorable trip.

Posted : December 7, 2016 7:43 pm
Posts: 397

Bismarck is socked in with snow right now.

Posted : December 7, 2016 8:53 pm
Andy Nold
Posts: 2016
Topic starter

I'm sitting right at the front to the right of the stage in a blue Transglobal Services hoodie.

Posted : December 14, 2016 11:32 am