I just bought my daughter her first deer rifle. She is twelve years old. She was the first girl to stay at buck camp in my lifetime.
I bought her a Marlin XL7 in .243. If is fairly light and does not kick much. It will be the last rifle purchase before our wonderful new gun control law kicks in that requires ALL guns to be registered.
This weekend she was also the first girl to ever cross the river and climb up into Fong Whah gulch to work on our water pipe. We get water from a creek located up a very steep canyon full of bluffs. It has to be checked before winter as the river gets too high to cross even in a boat. There are hand holds blasted into the Rock and a place where you have to rappel down a steep bluff. She enjoyed it too much. It is a very dangerous trip, as the nearest hospital is 2 hours away if you can make it back across the river.
I keep a .357 handy everywhere I go as the Mexican drug cartel has been very active this year. They busted an operation 2.5 miles from my parents house. 7000 plants and 500lbs of processed/packaged dope. In all worth just under $2 million.
have fun with her and the hunt.
my youngest likes to shoot but doesn't intend to hunt because-
snow---- (snow is ok when she is snow boarding though...)
.243 is a great caliber kids hunting most anything medium sized game- imho-. I've killed one elk with one. but probably not the best choice for that.
Wife has used it to take several deer and a few antelope. Ours is a Remington 788 w/ 3 rnd mag. I bought it new in 1974 from Coast to coast w/ money I earned cutting on the landing on my dad's logging operation. Something like $149 or so.
I prefer a Remington model 700, but it seems to be ok compared to most modern rifles in that price range.
The older guy at the gocery store warned me to enjoy it while it lasts because they will "leave you" eventually.
We are heading out on Sunday to massacre the "pin squirrels". The farmers grant unlimited access to eliminate as many as possible without poisoning. Usually you can shoot 50 to 100 in an average day. The range varies from 10 yards to as far as you care to shoot. We switch between .22lr pistol, .22 rifle, .17hmr, to centerfire, usually in that order.
Just heard a NRA hero story from our local town on the Patriot channel. A gal shot someone breaking into her house after firing warning shots, and calling 911 twice. He was released the day before due to a mandatory release program due to over crowding and our broke state. Police were on the way when she defended herself.
He had outstanding warrant, was arrested and released to make room for less violent offenders.
> Just heard a NRA hero story from our local town on the Patriot channel. A gal shot someone breaking into her house after firing warning shots, and calling 911 twice. He was released the day before due to a mandatory release program due to over crowding and our broke state. Police were on the way when she defended herself.
My motto has always been "I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6". Not a big hunter but more of a gun collector. Future father in law works in a gun shop. Here's to hoping for a really "great" wedding present (in addition to his daughter of course)
There will be those that feel she should have left her safety to the "proper authorities", until it happens to them or someone they love.
I wouldn't hold your breath too long. In my experience, wedding gifts are directed at the bride. I received too many gifts for my wedding, but the best one was a small fishing fly box with about 100 hand tied trout flys that my older brother gave me. Still dipping into that box every once in awhile. Everyone spent ALOT of money getting my ex a complete set of silver, crystal and china. I never did get much out of that. I often wonder if she cooks her new family dinner using that stuff or if it is in a box collecting dust.
Work hard at it from the beginning it's not supposed to be easy and it's not always fair.
> Work hard at it from the beginning it's not supposed to be easy and it's not always fair.
Learned that lesson from my first marriage!!
It is a very good piece of advice.
We've had 2 employees shot in the last 2 years by their spouses. one on the job.
Here's a link to last week's. He was An IT guy with Motor Carrier Services (GVW) - seems the surest way to NOT be shot down as an unarmed victim would be to ARM yourself.
be sure to read his attempt to get a TRO. Nut job wife back in town.... why WOULDN't you be packing?????
Bought my daughter an XL7 in 243 last year. Here's the result. Lung shot, 11 points, 190 yards.
Which law are you referring to?
She is going to like that Marlin. They get great reviews. Sounds like a heck of gal, congrats on raising them right.
What is a 'pin squirrel'?
It's a California specific law. Either AB 144 or another one that was was passed along with it. I think 144 was the one that outlawed carrying openly an unloaded handgun. It kind of mAde it through under the radar. Basically all new long guns get registered. The governors reasoning? "we are already keeping this information for hand guns, I see no reason not to do it with long guns well."
I guess that is the proper name. Some call them Sqeeks or Peeps. They are about half the size of a ground or digger squirrel.
That is what they look like for a moment..... They breed so quickly, shooting is the only environmentally friendly and humane way to control the population. You can drive around in their fields and shoot as much as you like as long as you respect their sprinklers and other shooters.
They dig huge holes everywhere, but I think their main concern is crop loss, which is large. Some ranches have even been known for actually providing .22 ammo for trusted shooters.
Looks like one happy gal. Nice 4x5 as we would call it around here.
One tip, ALWAYS tuck that tongue back in, that way you can share it with even the most squirmish.
It could easily be photoshop'd back in ( made the same mistake with my sons buck).
It was his first "real" hunt to get his own buck. He left camp by himself around 3:00 in the afternoon and a shot rang out about 3.5 miles from the truck about 30 minutes before dark. My dad, brother, my daughter and myself climbed up to the 7000' contour and helped him pack it out. The trees in the skyline behind him are about a 1/4 mile from the truck! I think everyone will remember that hunt. Cold beer, salad, beans, garlic bread, and a couple new York steaks cooked over a camp fire healed the sore legs.
There will be those that feel she should have left her safety to the "proper authorities", until it happens to them or someone they love.
Just remember, when seconds count the police are only minutes away.:-)
That smile on her face is priceless!!