Every year we spring forward for Daylight Saving Time and fall back for Standard Time and every time it takes me months to adjust to Daylight Saving as it screws up my circadian rythmm . Right now I am so darned tired weary and just want to go back to sleep and I actually slept in till 6:30. It's dark when I wake and light when it is bedtime.
I wish could go back in time and kill the fool that foisted this upon us (me).
There was a item in the news a few days ago that a state legislator in Georgia is going to introduce 3 bills concerning this. 1 to keep the stupid system we are currently using. 1 to keep daylight saving or another to keep standard time.
Now I would vote to keep out clocks on standard time all year long but the moronic voters will likely vote to keep the ridiculous system we have now.
California had a measure on the ballot to advise the Legislator.?ÿ The vote was to remain on DST (not my choice).?ÿ ?ÿThe Legislature can not decide on what system to implement.?ÿ Why did we vote??ÿ California is a lost cause.?ÿ I am just getting over my jet lag.?ÿ The Spring change is not as bad as the Fall change for me.
I really don't care WHICH TIME system would be chosen I just wish they would leave it alone.?ÿ I can get used to DST IF they'd just leave it the same all year round.?ÿ
Pick one and stick with it!
Standard time would mean sunrise at 4 am at the 40th parallel. I'd rather have it stay savings time.
I say just go to 24 hour UTC
A couple of sticky notes placed around the sucker;
Get Up
Take Nap or Go to Safety Meeting @ Saloon
Yankee Game
Go to bed
And you have it covered.
One or the other is better over this constant stupid ass switching back and forth. Whoever the mental midget was that foisted this on us really should be killed.
If I had my choice though it would be Standard Time because it is 8pm and still light outside, quite light I might add. I could certainly work outside with this light and it should be dark.
Loyal, while I like it, I don't think that clock would work.?ÿ My daughter is a high school teacher and has multiple students who can't tell time using an analog clock.?ÿ They've been digital all their lives.
Us old pharts remember when DST was year round, that being 1974.?ÿ They quickly repealed it because there were too many school bus accidents in the morning during the winter months.?ÿ The kids were waiting for their buses in the dark.