I've endured a number of medical procedures in my time.?ÿ But none as painful as my recent "shoulder 'scope" to repair my demolished rotator cuff and ligaments that were torn back when you could buy leaded gasoline.?ÿ Hell with water-boarding or bamboo splints under the fingernails; this shoulder crap has reduced me to a whining sissy.?ÿ I guess 50 years of swinging 3 lb. shop hammers and 8 lb. sledges finally caught up with me.?ÿ But if I eventually heal and rid myself of the chronic hurt it will probably have been worth it.
For now I'm bruised from my collar bone to my elbow and can't raise up my arm far enough to wash my armpit...which manifests an entire sub-set of physical limitations.?ÿ I'm simply just sick of hurting.
However, as we use to say in the '60s:?ÿ better living through chemistry.?ÿ?ÿI am now a full-fledged pain pill junkie munching Oxycontins like breath mints.?ÿ I live on the couch with the remote in my hand and my eye on the clock awaiting my next fix.?ÿ My vocabulary has been reduced to neanderthal grunts with an occasional single syllable word thrown in there for fun.?ÿ I'm sure my wife would rather keep company with a stinking old billy goat than me.?ÿ It's truly sad.
So here I sit like our old friend "nearly normal" whose early hour ramblings gave us much insight on narcotic-induced psychosis.?ÿ I can't really even tell the day of the week with any certainty.?ÿ My guess would be late Septober...may the 32nd. or 33rd.?ÿ
And at my 1 week post-op checkup a few days ago the doc penciled me in for some physical therapy this upcoming week.?ÿ That should be 'fun'.?ÿ I guess I'll be forced to clean up, shave and get presentable.?ÿ I don't think getting out of the house in my PJs and bathrobe would be acceptable.
And btw, my wife has threatened to burn that bathrobe once I take it off.?ÿ I'm starting to think that might not be a bad idea...the dogs are even keeping their distance from me.?ÿ ;)?ÿ?ÿ
It's September 34th you dummy.
I have had quite a few surgeries, (shoulder, hip, back, apendectomy) and a number of broken bones and a whole lot of stitches from other injuries, but let me tell ya shoulder surgery to repair and anchor 4 tendons or ligaments was by far the most painful experience I have ever had to endure.
Make no mistake a kidney stones is damned painful and it will drop a grown man to the floor moaning in excruciating pain but the kidney stone pain is gone in a day or two. The shoulder rehabilitation goes on for months and each little movement brings on another realization just how much hurt a person can endure and love through it.
You are gonna learned to despise the pretty little physical therapist and will see her as some kind of torture expert.?ÿ
Because of my boogered up hip and back I have a prescription of 5mg hydrocodone but that is just enough to take the edge off the pain and is not strong enough to get a person hooked. It pales in comparison to the Oxycodone you're taking but in case you don't realize by now those painkillers are a necessity for shoulder surgery.?ÿ
You sir have a long road to recovery.?ÿ Do not rush the therapy.?ÿ
And there was nothing normal about Nearly Normal.
Try to get some high potency marijuana edibles. They will sure help with the hurt and help you relax and no risk of addiction. I've no clue if the pain relief from MJ can handle shoulder surgery pain but it might be worth a try.
I guess I was lucky.?ÿ When I went in for shoulder surgery the doctor wasn't sure what he'd have to do when he got in there.?ÿ He told me I would know when I woke up by the sling on my arm.?ÿ A regular sling and it was "minor", a big sling with a "spacer" and it was rotator cuff.?ÿ Mine was a regular sling.?ÿ I just had arthritis and bone spurs.?ÿ He used what he called a REALLY expensive Dremell Tool grinder.?ÿ It was still nearly a year of rehab and movement to get back to "normal"
Stick with it, it will be worth it in the long run.
"My vocabulary has been reduced to neanderthal grunts with an occasional single syllable word thrown in there for fun."?ÿ
That simply proves you are a surveyor.?ÿ Be proud of it.?ÿ Own it.?ÿ No one else really understands us anyway so why waste a bunch of extra syllables on them.?ÿ Heck, they might start to think they understand what we are doing and, therefore, can do it for themselves and save the money for necessities, like a deep sea fishing trip or something.?ÿ NO!?ÿ By golly, that deep sea fishing trip is MINE because of MY superior knowledge in the intricacies of that dark magic art known as "geomatics".
..You are gonna learned to despise the pretty little physical therapist and will see her as some kind of torture expert.?ÿ
I wish I was that lucky.?ÿ I went for some pre-op PT in a failed attempt to stave off any knife work.?ÿ The "pretty little physical therapist" down here is a male (I think).?ÿ And while he may very well think he's pretty I don't necessarily share that sentiment.
He's a good therapist and stoically profession but I think enjoyed the massage at the end of each session far more than I...
Hell with water-boarding or bamboo splints under the fingernails; this shoulder crap has reduced me to a whining sissy
http://i.imgsafe.org/ad8a234e9b.jp g" alt="Image result for most painful medieval shoulder torture" />
They seemed to favor going after the shoulders; during the Spanish Inquisition...
@paden cash
Did the good doctor inform you that powerful pain killers like the Oxycontin you're eating will constipate you very badly.......very bad indeed.?ÿ
my wife has threatened to burn that bathrobe once I take it off
You're fortunate she didn't want to burn it with you in it.?ÿ ?????ÿ
If you are in constant pain with the Oxycodone ask Doc to switch you to Percocet. Oxycodone does not work on everyone.
Anyway wish you a speedy recovery!
Knock on wood - I've had my fair share of injuries, 6 or 8 concussions, torn cartlaledge and ligaments in both knees, cut to the bone in one pinky, both thumbs and three other finger, one arm and one shin and knee, torn retina, bruises from head to toe and I have sprained most every muscle in my body at one time or another and now arthritis most everywhere and these darned spastic muscle cramps and have yet been under knife apart from the taking of my tonsils at age 12.
About 10yrs ago I got to where I could not stand, walk or most anything until I made it to the Doctor and he gave me xrays and scans and finally gave me his cocktail shot in my back and I was back on my feet in hours. Doctor has mentioned hip replacement and I steer him toward a shot of muscle relaxer every 6months or year at the origin of the pain.
Therapy is a necessary thing and will test you. The more you do the better you will be afterward. Stay on their pace and don't rip out what they fixed. It can also lead to some mental therapy as well to keep it together.
Be glad you are getting the needed pain pills. They took away any chance of me getting an opiate based pill several years ago and since I've had to bear it out. My doctor won't prescribe any more than 28 Tylenol 4 with codeine a month and on days I work, I need 3 a day. It's a good thing that boilermakers are one of the best over the counter pain relievers ever discovered.
CBD oil is really great too and does not contain any psychoactive qualities. Pricey and probably not covered by insurance.
?ÿTry not to get hooked on any TV shows because they get cancelled just when they start making sense.
Get well soon...........
My father-in-law, a surveyor, needed shoulder surgery and thought about it.?ÿ But once he met with several people that had it decided against it.?ÿ ?ÿToo long of a recovery and the few he met didn't have much use of their arm.?ÿ ?ÿ I'm seeing by this post that he might of made a good decision.?ÿ
Keep up the good spirits, prayers for you and keep sharing those wonderful childhood memories!
I did something to my shoulder in about 1977 or 1978. I remember it hurt all winter and I had to start carrying the instrument/ tripod on my other shoulder. I believe it was a minor motorsickle mishap, but there was also some tissue damage probably from a "repetitive motion" like hammering. It has given me pain & heartache off and on ever since. About ten years ago a doctor noticed I had a permanent shoulder tilt and a severely reduced range of motion. At the time I decided not to pursue any treatment since I had lived with it for so long.
Fast forward to about 2 years ago I noticed that my shoulder hurt more often with just everyday movement and it took longer and longer for the pain to subside. X-rays and an MRI revealed the old injuries and the doctor wanted to snip on me right then.
My brother had endured a similar surgery prior to that. His horror story convinced me I could do without any surgery. It finally got so bad I was driving with just one arm because hanging my left arm from the steering wheel was impossible. Things went downhill from there. I grabbed an instrument case out of the back of my truck with my left arm back in late August and spent a week of sleepless nights and ice packs. It never quit hurting. That was when I decided to get this done.
You might tell your FIL I personally wished I hadn't waited so long...even with all the pain and discomfort caused by the procedure. My only recourse would have been to remain crippled up and hurting. That option would have probably been intolerable. The only "major" change in my lifestyle from the surgery so far was to graduate to slip-on Wellington boots... 😉
SWMBO had right side rotator cuff surgery in Nov 2017.?ÿ The serious kind with the giant padded sling.?ÿ Took her about a year and a half to get fully up & at 'em.?ÿ For the first month or so ol' Sarge was, for the very first time in our 15 year relationship, indispensable.
Tough old girl that she is though, she only took the opioids for about 48 hours and after that, ibuprofen & naproxin only.?ÿ?ÿ
"Hey, Alexa", what's the inverse from the pine knot, near the beginning of our job, to the 2" pipe, at the street corner?
(Male voice) The name's Monroe, and the distance is 452.22'.
😐 that's what we have in our future, I'm afraid!
In retrospect I think the boundary lawsuit I did about 10 years ago was because the elderly neighbor lady instigator was in severe hip and knee pain. She hobbled around and made her husband miserable so he was a joy to encounter too. I overheard her yelling and berating him more than once.
Well, My dear friend, Scotland, my dad had a Monroe. Used it for hours on end. It burned in dad's office fire, some yrs ago. I also used it as a kid, to c h e a t in math! I still remember how to do add, subtract, multiply, and divide!
It would malfunction, just a little, occasionally. Dad would clean it with kerosene, and a toothbrush.
I never thought of it as an antique, but it's a forever gone now. One of those machines bought the groceries, that fed me as a kid.
Antiques. They flood me with memories.
Love Curtas I always want to own one, but have no idea how to use it. I just thing it's fascinating. Like a modern antikythera machine..
During my first year out of college I found my second mentor to be somewhat a master with one on the hood of the truck as he ran closure before we left the field. There were a few days we stayed until dark to rechain because of a flip instead of flop or twist the wrong way or skip a twist. At least he had one of those card fed electric Olivetti jumping machines in the office for the final say.
I would rather use a trig fan and pencil up yellow legal pads with computations to fill out DMD sheets.
I think both machines are just awesome. I can't even image the amount to time was used by those machines. It was a life saver just like today we love our GNSS.