I'd of embedded the video but there is some cussing.
Don't click HERE if you don't like swear words.....
Them dudes need to go help these guys.
[flash width=420 height=315] http://www.youtube.com/v/uAdoAHsNyvE?hl=en_US&version=3 [/flash]
Have a great week! B-)
I'd hope not to receive a job application from the hammer man !
He's very lucky to not have a concrete slab for a hat.
Early in my career, when I first became a supervisor, I was all hot to trot about procedures, manuals and lists.
This video is a perfect example of why writing manuals is often useless.
After all, who would write in a manual that this was not the way to demo a silo?
Then, the guy comes back and says, "well, you didn't tell us not to do it that way....."
Just imagine the thought processes that went on in this guy's head, from the time he started pounding away until the moment that he realized the silo was coming down.
Funny, I didn't hear an awful lot of regret on that soundtrack.
"Funny, I didn't hear an awful lot of regret on that soundtrack."
That's 'cause it worked.
> I'd hope not to receive a job application from the hammer man !
> He's very lucky to not have a concrete slab for a hat.
> Derek
On the back of the "hammer man's" shirt was a logo with a tree...maybe he is a logger using a hammer in place of his axe...thought the 'tree' would fall toward the undercut...
I would have been sure to put on my brown underwear and pants before tackling that silo demo. No sense letting everyone else know what you did the instant you realized it was coming down towards you.
Several years ago I saw a video of a dummy trying to take one down with a bulldozer. He shoved one way. The silo fell the other; directly on top of him and his bulldozer. The headache rack is all that saved his life.
That was just plain stupid!!!!!!!!!
> On the back of the "hammer man's" shirt was a logo with a tree...maybe he is a logger using a hammer in place of his axe...thought the 'tree' would fall toward the undercut...
> DDSM:beer:
If you listen, early in the video, he says something about his buddy saying; just keep chopping at it, like a tree...
o.O Yeah, that should work.....
Looking back over a teaching career, one sometimes considers former students who have made a mark in the world. My first or second year of teaching, I had a freshman English student of unusual charm and ability named Mark Loizeau. His father's death led him to decide to leave school at the end of his maybe second year, and he went into their well known business, and apparently continues to thrive. Works safe, I guess.