These are the kind of stories you simply cannot make up. I'm glad you have been having fun.
The findagrave website is either exceptionally helpful or very minimal It all comes down to volunteers loading up the basic info with tons of great info. Obituaries, family photos, links to other family members, etc. Wonderful resource. The easiest way to start a search is to be able to precisely name the cemetery of interest, then do a search for the family name. If you don't know the cemetery name simply do a google search for "Hickville, KY cemetery" and a findagrave link will almost definitely be one of the first options. That will provide a list of cemeteries in and close to Hickville. Select a cemetery and try the family name until you get lucky. Sometimes you must go with "Jones County, Kentucky cemetery" for your google search.
For a hoot do a google search for Shotgun Porkys Glenwood. Add Dashner if you like. The year was 2003.
I grew up in Ohio, so I say lightning bug. My kids got to see some last summer (late July) when we visited their grandmother in Ohio. Who says firefly versus lightning bug:?ÿ
If you go out with a flashlight and turn it off and on several times they will come to you.
They popped out here two nights ago. I do think the temperature has something to do with it.
Paul in PA
@holy-cow this popped up on my FB timeline today. it was the first family home for my grandparents (jess willard's nephew). they moved to their new sears home after 10 years here- the interesting part being that dad grew up directly across the street. so my folks were neighbors as toddlers...
Last Sunday afternoon passing through a remote town on the way to site. Hungry, twas the only place open, but the staff inside were closing up and hosing it out, didn't go in.
This afternoon while out feeding the dogs about 30min ago I finally saw several lightning bugs scattered around the front yard.