"The requested URL /www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/44349317 was not found on this server"
A co-worker (seriously) told me that the housing market in Florida will pick up because of all the northerners moving south because of the flooding.
I wondered out loud who the heck would move to Florida to getaway from hurricanes?
Actually, my parents (in Sarasota) have had fewer hurricanes than I have had in Maryland. Surprising but true....
> I wondered out loud who the heck would move to Florida to getaway from hurricanes?
It's not really the hurricanes. Vermont, in particular has experienced several large rainstorms over the last few years. These rainstorms don't cause any immediate damage, but they wash out lots of roads, and prevent many from contact with the rest of civilization for a week or more.
Probably after the third or fourth time you end up stranded on the mountain with no power or running water; you consider a condo on the gulf coast.