My "friend" has his first journey to the office of a urologist today.?ÿ How can "he" best study up for the exam?
A clean colon and a lack of dignity is a good place to start.?ÿ
That reminds me of a helper from many years ago after companies started drug testing about whether he had to take a p___ test.
I told him that if he had a problem and could not urinate most anywhere without facilities that surveying was probably not going to be something he would be comfortable with.
I wish your friend the best.
I don't know why my doctor puts on rubber gloves before an exam... I think he uses a baseball bat.
Hard to believe this movie is 50 years old.?ÿ Was the first movie to use all 12 letters of MF aloud.?ÿ Anyway, there is a scene in this movie involving a proctological exam that surely was nowhere as explicit as the circumstances described in the book by Gore Vidal.
You did say urologist, right?
Not sure about the bat/colon reference, if you did.
JA, PLS SoCal?ÿ
Urologist/proctologist: they all work in the same area.
My "friend" will return next week for a more in depth study.?ÿ I think that's when the ball bat may be applied.?ÿ My "friend" is a noted tightass, so the challenge may be exceptional.