I just got back from a 300 mile journey visiting in person quite a few that owe me money.
I called everyone on Friday and said I would be stopping by with an extra copy of the invoice and introduce myself.
After 10 stops, I got paid in full on 9 of them and the other I accepted a partial payment since the person I contracted with was not there.
I am 6'7" and weigh 260lbs., but I thought I needed some extra help, so I took with me a Pistol and a Bullet to break the ice. lol
Bullet (left) and Pistol (right)
Productive day, but very frustrating.
Love it when a plan comes together! 😉
with that rate of return you should rent out your services!
I was just going to ask Randy if he wanted a part time job.
LOL- they must be "The Complaint Department"... great picture. I have 2 mini Dachshunds as well- great companions and excellent travellers.
Congrats on your successes- always good to see people face to face and re-connect with Clients.
Funny thing, when you wrote "Bullet (left) and Pistol (right)", from years of running the gun my first thought was, is it their left, or my left.
Theatrical people solved that centuries ago: House Left is Stage Right and vice versa. You don't just say left or right, you attach the other word.
Aren't Mechanics Liens easier?