I just made a credit card payment and noticed that in the amount paid boxes you could enter an amount up to:
Now I'd like to think my credit is good, but that's nuts. Do you suppose there is someone out there that actually could charge $99 BILLION to their credit card?
Ben Bernanke on the "company" card
Doubtful, but, at least now I know I could make a lowly $10,000,000,000.00 payment without a problem. The challenge will be to find $10 billion worth of stuff to buy.
> Doubtful, but, at least now I know I could make a lowly $10,000,000,000.00 payment without a problem. The challenge will be to find $10 billion worth of stuff to buy.
Before you search for the $10 billion worth of stuff, be sure and get one of those cards that gives you a percentage back. 😉
Larry P
Here's a start
Comical. But as a moneymaking scheme, probably as good as the pet rock.
Don't buy it unless your lot is staked. Anybody registered to do work on Mars?
And there might be a problem or two with title. Allodial? Is anybody selling title insurance?
Here's a start
Will the lots be surveyed in the PLSS System or Colonial States?
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They seem to be using lat-lon coordinates.
Since there isn't any MNSS (Martian Navigation Satellite System) or a network of passive MMS (Martian Mars-odetic Survey) monuments, it's going to be pretty hard to survey in those corners.
Also, it's not clear what they do about convergence of the meridians - could be creating some overlap in the deeds.
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Could you imagine what we as a profession could do now as far as accuracy goes on a clean slate like that. The accuracy of measurement could be awesome.
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> Also, it's not clear what they do about convergence of the meridians - could be creating some overlap in the deeds.
Well...as long as the entry man makes a good faith effort to locate the boundaries of his property, and there is harmony in the Martian neighborhood, who are we to call him wrong?
> I just made a credit card payment and noticed that in the amount paid boxes you could enter an amount up to:
> $99,999,999,999.99
> Now I'd like to think my credit is good, but that's nuts. Do you suppose there is someone out there that actually could charge $99 BILLION to their credit card?
You all can laugh but when I was involved with writing bank teller terminal software in the 80s, our software would only take 99,999,999.99 for a dollar amount. That was never a problem until GM paid off Ross Perot $640,000,000.00 to shut up and go away.
Turns out he banks at one of our customers so they had to make 7 separate deposits.
Our next version of the software had an outrageous limit and to my knowledge never had a problem.