First, thank you for any help you can provide!
Some background info:
In my neighborhood (all rural residences) on roughly 5 - 7 acre lots. It's not uncommon to have a shared well agreement; some folks have drilled their own private well. One of my neighbors who was selling his land stated he had water rights to the well on my property. He was able to produce an old well agreement from the title company made in 1981 stating his rights to a well located at specific location. His document has two discrepancies:
1. My well wasn't drilled until 1992
2. His well agreement location states different "quarters" from my agreement and well log.
So the question is, if his agreement states rights to a well in the SW quarter of the SW quarter in section 31 and mine states NW quarter of the SW quarter Section 31, these are two different 40 acre blocks, correct?
Correct, the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 31 is not the same "forty" acre parcel as the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 31.
Your understanding is correct.
shared well agreement
Okay, but be sure to seek the counsel of a competent attorney to review the various legal nuances within the terms of the ??shared well agreement,? before running away thinking you fully understand the situation.
Thank you! I really appreciate the response and confirmation that I'm reading the location information correctly.
Thank you for the confirmation! I'm trying to learn the basics here of location descriptions and it's actually quite interesting 🙂
Thank you, I definitely will as the next step 🙂 As part of the process, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the information stated in the agreements.