I found it!, it's NGS BM
"Cant easily see the screen"??? do we still have this problem with the expensive TSC7?
Yes, but you need to do it each time you are on the field.
My average points per job is 200-300. Why should an old job file clog the collector? I don't think Access loads all my job files from 2005 to now befo...
I have all my job files on TSC5 in case I need it. Do u think that's the reason the Access software takes so long to start?
Thank you guys, I purchased the Seco European-Style Tribrach with Optical Plummet – 2152-05-BLK before I read all you comments. The last one (Trimble)...
Would you please name the device you guys use ( Brand, model, cost).
Thanks to the tech support from CSDS the issue is resolved. It was as easy as going into " point manager" find the station point and edit the coordina...
Some clarification, I usually don't forget to tie to the BM for a topo, this was a survey to locate the building on a property. As you might guess, I ...
@jimcox When i go to "fix station setup", it has the 2 options u mentioned, but when i enter 1001 as station setup after choosing "translate station" ...