A more infamous one is Hub Northing, I think he is still doing hard time. ?ÿMotorcycle Surveyor is another one that come to mind, not a big contributo...
High performance Mopars had dual point distributors. ?ÿI had a 70 440 six barrel Road Runner that originally had dual points. ?ÿIt didn??t last long ...
I agree and would tend to use local benchmarks and not OPUS. ?ÿ
When ever I hear a no start problem my first thing is to load test the battery. ?ÿI worked on cars a lot more in the past but I still do. ?ÿFor years ...
I??ve read that surveyors are the only ones that worry about small distances, not the courts and not most land owners. ?ÿIf you set the corners for a...
Sure take her side. ?????ÿ
I??ve ??mediated? a few. I put mediated in quotes because the people weren??t really at odds with each other. ?ÿThe last one was right before I r...
I??d say if they got divorced over tile in the entry way they were going to end up divorced not matter what. Me and my wife hardly ever argue but one...
To me something that makes me lean to a higher quality is the forward assist, the dust cover, and it appears to me to be a longer barrel. ?ÿA lot of t...
I agree, talk to a financial adviser, we did before we retired. ?ÿMy wife also ran some numbers with an online program and it said we could retire. ?ÿ...
As a Cub fan it??s tough for me to like anything the Cardinals do. ?ÿAnother ??rebuilding? year for the Cubs. ?ÿ As a side note I was at the game...
We have all heard the canned joke from passer bye??s ??is this where the new four lane is going?? ?ÿI then look around like I??m seeing if anyone...