Yes it was that page that made me switch over to https:// and I can navigate through the folders to see the path to the files, usually I just add that...
Thanks Yes that is how my TBC used to work but after an update the automatic sites button does not work any longer and tracing back from that screen t...
Nobody has had this happen? I am thinking it is some new way to make one keep up with the yearly maintenance fee but like I said I like to go 2 years ...
Never use the local code as a guide to somethings depth or you will end up hitting a lot of things. I know on a small job it is not worth it but if th...
It is defiantly Beta right now, locks up and crashes,?ÿ they are making what seems quick headway lots of releases and adding features. It navigates li...
gnss l5, but no sbas and a few other things that are supposed to be added with firmware updates in the future.
I placed an order to try one out, I found one of their dealers in Minnesota that was being cool and only taking orders when they had fedex confirmatio...
Well no dice on the GeoXR for nmea output via bluetooth, after I did the upgrade (which is only access to 2017) I now have nmea output listed in surve...
thanks i needed to know what version or so that they got added, so now I will pay for the updates and the only thing that would burn me is that nmea c...
Is it a safe bet that GNSS Solutions will be affected?