Already got as Garmin Orgeon but will that help him?
Thanx man ill start looking into these and see in what ways i can expand my functionality
I do pdfs as well when i want someone else to print my drawing. This saves me the hassle of having the include images fonts xrefa and whatevsr else. B...
Just a thought. That office hasnt upgrafed to latest versions of Autocad and stills uses 2007. Maybe thats why they ask for ctb files?
This is what i dont understand. Since i dont own a specific plottter, or have any color information to do the mixmatching, and each line has each corr...
Ok this is the closest thing to what i want. Dont know lisp programming but if this could be tweaked in a couple of ways. Like setting number of decim...
Ok so basically you're saying i should try my luck with some kind of alignment report. I dont work with bentley products ill see what can be done from...