Last seen: Nov 15, 2024
One of the fellas I volunteer with brought this up to me. He owns a piece of land where two counties meet. He wants "one line" surveyed so he can put ...
It was a high of 22F on Monday and yesterday it was is a high of 46F at 1am this morning. Texas weather needs to take their anti-bipolar m...
We use Bluebeam Revu here and love it! I've used it for 5+ years with little to no issues and pretty user friendly to boot! Highly recommend!
Thanks for the update, @Wendell
I've seen this too but it's been a while. I saw it on some daily RTK data that the crew started with a HERE position for OPUS. I've only ever changed...
Some folks here do this and they did it all over some brand NEW sidewalk, brick, landscaping and needless to say, the owner was NOT happy. We spent mo...
When I had to do this for a single day trip to El Paso, Tx, we used a plastic case for a golf bag. It carried everything we needed to do the job and w...
"Take 'em to the train station"
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Here's to an exciting and joyous 2024! See ya'll on the flip side!
Me to Grandpa: Do you have any ibuprofen? Grandpa: Back in my day we just died.
I went to New Orleans for this holiday. It was also my birthday weekend so two birds, one stone kind of thing. Did LOTS of walking and exploring of th...
In my opinion, I'd decide whether it's worth the fight or not. If not, cut your losses, mark her as a "difficult client" and move on. If yes, buckle ...
This post made me go down a rabbit hole doing research on Tasmania from the language spoken to real estate and jobs. I've always wanted to visit Austr...
File imports into TBC v5.81 without issue
Well looky there...😎
To be clear, the image I shared is just an example. My actual tool belt came from the local hardware store and was made of soft leather but did the jo...
Extra paint and water usually went in my lath bag or hub bag, depending on the job I was doing. Some vests have an interior pocket for small/light ite...