Jerry,Sorry for the delay in replying I went away for a few days.No RICM is a UK base station available on OS-NET but unfortunately here you need a li...
Sorry for the late reply just got home from a few days away.Thanks for your suggestion and normally I would do just that, but unfortunately the kit we...
Default is "Precise SP3"Paul in PA's information lead me to a page that had the set up details for downloading the data. I immediately noticed that th...
Default is "Precise SP3"Thanks Paul I will try that now.Stephen
Can you let me know of a url I can use to do that please?Otherwise I am reliant on a GNSS Solutions user advising me on the settings they use.CheersSt...
Obviously it could be but I can't get any info from the US site either.I have looked on the internet to try and find how to set up other sources but c...
Jerry,Many thanks. Indeed your last point is very timely as for the first time today we used a local BASE ref point that was logged for about 15 minut...
Kent,From your message it appears that you are confirming that when we get onto the open aspect survey site, that an initial static BASE reading for a...
It is an open rural aspect typically 14 sats in view. No realtime correction, all done by manual importing Base Station correction data into GNSS Solu...
We will be using our nearest 1 or 2 Ground reference stations the nearest is 12Km the next is 40Km away.Stephen