Railroad was in fee - patents use RR as a boundary. First train came through in 1883 - not sure when construction started. I'm leaving the Sec, T &am...
Buckley v. Laird --- I actually completed a small boundary survey for a client in the same section about eight years ago. The east-west mid-section l...
Google ScholarMike - thanks for the heads up on Google Scholar (didn't know about that one - looks good) - will spend some time there and see what cas...
Rankin - I'm leaving the patents out of the picture for the moment. Do you have any case law references at MDT that would involve ROW as was acquired...
Brian - thanks for the cases - I know of the first one, I'll pull the others.Question background in a nutshell - 1884 - GLO surveys/plats a township i...
Dave - interesting that NexisLexis is on line in CA. Not here in MT. I'll do some digging there - thanks for the link. Checking with the local law l...
Glenn -Many thanks! Sent you a PM email.Best, Rusty