So the elected county officials who took an oath to uphold the code of Virginia vote to circumvent state code over 23 properties.?ÿ Say 46 votes. And ...
Oh, well that is a horse of a different color.?ÿ ?ÿ
So the best fit line of the monuments have a half foot of error between them but that line works with in 0.08' of the c/l of tracks.?ÿ?ÿ I'd have to s...
It's likely if the owner died with no heirs, that taxes aren't/haven't been paid to the county and your client could purchase at an escheat sale. ?ÿ
My fees are based on the client and the market.?ÿ I take into account my per foot base, my hourly rate, the type of client, the market value, my curre...
Well, it's done.?ÿ Wasn't taken very well.?ÿ But a weight has been lifted.
Paul, With my current work load I am going to have to put in the extra hours at night.?ÿ But my plan is to go back to my roots.?ÿ Work a few days in t...
That is exactly my plan.?ÿ He just started his survey 1 class at the local community college and is eager to learn.?ÿ And I am eager to teach. Thanks ...
I don't know why he has become so lazy.?ÿ It's like he doesn't care about his work anymore.?ÿ ?ÿEvery job is a bitch fest.?ÿ It's either muddy, dusty,...
Vdot drainage manual a must. VA survey regulations a must.?ÿ VA survey business regulations a must.?ÿ Wouldn't hurt to have vdot drainage and design m...
You were hired to do a title survey on 12 ac.?ÿ Do a title survey of 12 ac.