That's the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. Now what's really freaky is that you'll probably hear or see this mentioned somewhere else.
+1 for 5.11 pants. They're even pretty resistant to the Beggar's lice we have here in Texas.
No one has mentioned the danger or the noise. There are about a hundred more ways to die when working construction. No sewer line is worth dying for. ...
If you find yourself in western Kansas near Oakley, a trip to Monument rocks is worth it. Its an area with a few huge limestone rocks that have been c...
I like my Pentel Graph Gear 1000. Pros:Good grip and weightFluid writing(and best of all) tip retracts into the pencil so if you drop it the tip will ...
Reminds me of this island owned by Finland and Sweden.
Austin's finest flouting the rules again
Also check out Big Map Blog for tons of hi-def old maps.
Not just Galveston, other major cities like Seattle and Chicago had similar projects.
Seattle 31 points ?
Tell him about the James Randi Million Dollar Challenge.
Hey, at least its not The Magic Roundabout (wikipedia)
Maybe those pot pharmacies can start taking bitcoins as payment.
Valdivia is a nice city with a good microbrewery. Maybe that's what the workers were drinking.
His article in Professional Surveyor magazine entitle "A New Datum" is also good for reading about some future changes in the works. Its in the August...
but those records are quite boreing
The Map porn subreddit often has a lot of good stuff. Regarding OP: some of these maps aren't really map-porn. They don't convery information very cl...
Rick Steves has made some videos and podcasts about it. They're probably on youtube.
I used to work with a bike messenger in Portland, he had so many stories about dealing with homeless there. He'd always say that you gotta be careful ...