@john-hamilton Why did the chicken cross the road? I don't know. Too get better data.
If you are using RTCM2, yes fewer measurements and less corrections. If you are using RTCM3.3 the amount of data should be comparable to CMRx (I am no...
Yes, show anything that affects the title of the property and provides the insurer the info they need to prepare a good policy. Be prepare to go beyon...
If it's a popular culture reference, then I'm too old. Google seems to indicate that, but didn't quickly make it clear. But it finds actual people wit...
Thanks Not, Just ordered the book.
@oldpacer Much easier to fine adjust and doesn't bang on the pole when walking between marks. That is exaclty what they do. My hands are full and...
Leica makes a GSR2 Dual-Strut Survey Bipod Support for Plumbing Poles I do have a newer Dutch Hill carbon fiber bipod for using with a carbon fiber ...
@oldpacer Climate change can be a scary concept, which can lead to productive conversations on the topic being shut down before they even begin. Th...
I had a professor at a competing surveying school tell me it was named after Dr. Cogonasious. I thought he kidding, but he was not.
I'll try that, all three of my 2M gnss tripods need service. I use a dry wax lubricant that keeps them sliding, but they stick at the ends and are har...
A social media platform with a considerable number of licensed professionals willing to hand out advice seems like a great target for lawsuits. May...
My degree says Land Surveying. My license says Land Surveyor. I could call myself a Geomaticist, but I call myself a Professional Surveyor & Mappe...
ANOTHER advantage of being old. My diploma say "Land Surveying".
@surv3251 that is the bonus of the Bachelors vs Associates. Spherical Astronomy class. Said I would never use it. I was not going to work at NGS o...
My do’s and don’ts for this job:Do not rehab the axelDo sent your monumentation where the axel might have beenDo not use acreageDo use physical eviden...
15 years ago I needed a lock down knob, offset arm and composite square slider, for an old style wild tribrach. FTL Geosystem had them in stock.
I suppose if we wanted to just say "No calibrations at all, NO EXCEPTIONS!" we would just have to pass up certain jobs and let someone else that is wi...
I think I'll just go watch a skyplot in the DC and watch the time. Maybe I'll wait for a warm Friday afternoon in the back yard with a cooler? Tak...
My advice is to never, never calibrate, you will thank me as time progresses if you avoid that cluster of madness. It may be that the company has lo...
It depends on your required accuracy per type of survey you are preparing and what equipment combination and method you are using. I can provide my 2 ...