Last seen: Nov 17, 2024
The SP coordinates you have computed look appropriate. The "2501" elevation you report is likely NAVD88 datum, while the "2499" elevation is likely NG...
I'm not a Nevada surveyor, but if you google search "NGS datasheets" you will quickly find yourself the link to the "NGS Map". Navigate on the map to ...
A Tax Map is a compilation of available records. That's not illegal. Is a licensed surveyor precluded form producing such a map by virtue of his licen...
Two things about the coding system I'm using. First is that I've sought to minimize the number of codes. Many of the systems I've used in the past tr...
cosAZ x DIST = ΔNorthing sinAZ x DIST = ΔEasting the AZimuth that corresponds to a bearing of N82°24'23"W is 277°35'37"
C. I hardly ever run a closed loop traverse, per se. I measure networks and LS adjust. If a closed loop happens it's incidental.
Taking the reverse case, it would be absurd to apply the standard of care appropriate for a sold-by-the square-inch lot in downtown Portland to a ten ...
I've worked in a lot of offices and seen a lot of "systems", but I've never seen any two quite the same. The main thing is to have a system that every...
"Here’s one thing I’m curious about: what’s my expected relative accuracy when following this process? Should I just rely on the R8’s manufacturer spe...
"Oh, brother! Don’t get me started on INDOT’s low distortion projections. Went from Indiana’s two zone SPC’s (East and West) to 40-something separate ...
I use the Int'l Foot when working in NAD83 in Oregon. The "Oregon Coordinate System of 1983" is so defined in state law. The same law dictates using U...
Personally, I use the term "broken back" specifically in cases where compound or reverse curves are non-tangential at their common point.
On pg 4-22 of “Writing Legal Descriptions” Wattles states that a broken back curve is merely another term for a non-tangent curve.
"I’ve never studied it but I’d bet humans are far and away the biggest source of error on any given survey." People end up in court because of blunder...
Curious. Why 2018, specifically?