Um....What is a 'monument box' and why would you find one in the center of the road?
I have...those boots.
Really?? a 'niner cap?
Do not seek the trreasure!:-X
Connecticut declaratory rulingDigital Plans in CT
Looks like it passed state inspection too! I bet those guys are happy about that!
So that's a section corner...neat.
FYI the deed was from 1946...not 1846 🙁
That's actually cheap.
You guys are a bunch of Nerds!B-)
Apparently UCONN is dropping their geomatics course. :-O
Any idea of the cause?
How is that even possible??!!
Standards for GNSSYou can look at this. It was adopted in Connecticut.The term 'A-2' is our industry standard for most surveys here in CT.
I can teach someone to set-up a tri-brach easy enough. Having a new hire know the nuances of what we do and why its important is what makes a great e...
I think its important to learn how to do it, and why its done. But I haven't taken a sun shot in decades. i don't know may surveyors in my neck of t...
We use a TOPCON QS but with TDS software. Works great.
Interesting...never had that problem with my QS.
nope...surveys are not required for the vast majority of real estate transactions.