Dog North CalibrationApparently dogs have an internal compass. So, if you ever get lost without you dog, pay attention.Basis of Bearing on plat: "Do...
The BLM notes distances in chains in Nebraska.
Either the refs knew, or don't know much about football because they are handling the balls after every play. Something doesn't add up when those who...
Jim, I've never met your dad, but he is a hero in my view. I've personally met hundreds of WWII vets with a variety of personalities. A waist gunner...
According to Webster in 1967.
Two words when referring to elevation or a physical mark or monument. I believe that one word is acceptable when referring to reaching a goal such a...
Dave, that is simply amazing! Great job!
Accuracy has always been directly related to those doing the measuring and not necessarily the equipment. The same applies today whether it is steel ...
Getting More Specific
Your "No Trespassing" tire reminds me of painting that on a guy's tire one night in high school. It was done on the passenger side, so he went days w...
Wow! You could build your own instrument with that.
Agree with Dave. A card/letter is something he can later refer back to once things get settled down and is not as intrusive as a phone call which cou...
For me, it is not a matter of chasing millimeters. It is the idea that I intimately know my equipment and know what I am capable of achieving with th...
Any chance any data exists where the positions can be plotted to see where it was used?
I am trying to wrap my mind around how a second party can scan public records and then charge for them. Everything we have scanned is free online. ...
The NCAA football polls are pretty much a popularity contest. When Nebraska was still popular during the Tom Osborne era, we would still be ranked in...