Which will be one factor that leads to the death of the profession.
Washington requires 15 hours per year, qualifying activities are listed in the administrative code:
1950s, hey they actually measured that... 1990s, early RTK with no real checks, magic coordinates from the sky.?ÿ
plumb bob with long string gammon reel?ÿ
Many are, a bunch of WACs too...?ÿ
@james-vianna I'd agree with you but this particular survey established and monumented interior 1/16 corners.?ÿ It wasn't purely a retracement.
Survey method note as seen on a survey done by a licensed surveyor in 1991
Around here: WAC 196-29-110Land surveying practice standards...(1) The monumentation, posting, and/or the marking of a boundary line between two exis...
Not a pickleball instructor or even a player... but, bit of trivia, it was invented here in the GREAT State of Washington:
In Washington where Doug works: WAC 332-130-050(1)(B)(e)(iv) Give the physical description of any monuments shown, found, established or reestablishe...
"Woke" can be a real problem... ?ÿ
Let me know when it can cut line through salal, vine maple, or himalayan blackberry thickets. How does it do in a swamp...