Thanks, yes, I'll need to get used to that.Did you immigrate to Canada after studying at UEL or did you come to the UK to study?
Thanks for the bodies and societies links.My girlfriend will be doing her graduate degree in Washington DC, so somewhere near there.
Then we were in the same class haha. It's a small world. I enjoyed Richard's and Colm's class. So you've done Surveying Mathematics and Geodetic Surve...
Hi,Yes I am. I'm looking forward to the summer once I get my last two exams done. I've secured work experience in Wales with an open pit coal mine, I'...
I'm from Cardiff but I'm studying in London. I don't like the cold or the rain, I've fallen in love with the sun haha. Saying that I'll work anywhere ...
Thanks for this information foggyidea. I will start looking in to it ready for next summer.RAGOODWIN, I'd be very happy to work in Texas and drag the ...
Mr Heames, suggest you get your girlfriend to considerWe've spoken about doing this after she gets her masters/graduate degree. The salaries in Austra...