Yes, it's the graphics card that makes the difference in resolution and screen refresh.I have used a 50" Panasonic plasma for some work. If you only h...
That's hilarious.That reminds me of the guy who was printing forms titled "Avadavit of Adverse Possession" in Florida.
A sense of humor.You gotta problem with that?
A fence built in 1992 is not necessarily a recent fence. In most states it would meet the usual 20-21 year statute for AP. But Mississippi only requir...
I think that in Utah you probably need the manual.I certainly understand that. I think Utah is still about 75% owned by the feds. If the feds publish ...
Luckily we don't have the abstracter thing here. What we had until a few years ago was the virtual monopoly on making copies at the recorder's office ...
Thanks for posting.I think it makes Jerry's point that the cost to print is around $20, so why doesn't it cost $20 plus shipping. If the NSPS really h...
I agree with the current Hungarian GIS.
Jerry-Several years ago, shortly after the latest manual came out, we had an extensive discussion here about the existence of copyright. The BLM had s...
Those were the days.When my niece was working on her B.S.C.E. at Purdue in the '90's I suggested that she look into surveying summer camp. She is a re...
"How many actually get more work due to it or do work that requires a CFEDS?"I think that question is the elephant in the living room. I think that th...
Once the Tenth Amendment is repealed, the plans can go forward.
I don't think you are really going to love this reply!We have had a torrens system in Ohio since 1913. It has proven to be extremely unpopular for a v...
1970's geezer experienceMid '70s, eastern Kentucky. Running boundaries for the Corps of Engineers. Grubbing around for a corner, got into a nest of ye...
Parents, no.Grandmothers, yes.They gave me my first books and read them to me. One was "Mickey sees the USA" which was a Disney item following Mickey,...
I think there should be a separate course on research in every surveyors' training program, but I'm not holding my breath. That's a good point.In fact...
Here in Ohio I would be in trouble making statements as a surveyor about whether I thought an AP claim was valid or not. It would be the practice of l...
Well, I agree with all of that Cow.Could you prioritize the steps for us?Just kidding. They can all be of primary importance in solving a particular b...
I would have no problem quoting a price."It's xxx dollars per hour to do what you have asked, until we are done with it. I'll send you over our contra...
I think the picture you posted says it all about bona fide rights.