I don’t collect points for others to process. Why would I? I am happy to provide a signed and sealed drawing along with other agreed upon deliverabl...
Doesn’t Oregon have a large green community? They would probably love seeing green flagging instead of the environmentally offensive colors in use by...
@dave-o I blame it on sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Thankfully I only participated frequently in two of the three.
The next thing you know they’ll be teaching it in school.
That’s a small part of a bigger picture. Lump sum????
I’m off topic, imagine that. Eagle Point bought and then killed SMI software. May they in hell.
I asked the OP if he had surveyed the property for his “old client”. He hasn’t answered that question. I can’t believe that anyone would report an...
People build below sea level in an area frequented by hurricanes and flooding and expect others to share in their losses. I’m not sure whose stupides...
@skeeter1996 I swear FEMA is like an assembly line. Each person is assigned to look only at one piece of "fill in the blank". Inspector #8 who is ...
You shouldn’t report him to the Board until after you have shared your survey with him.
If I’m going to be a hater it’ll be reserved for someone who has a more direct impact on my life.
@ncsudirtman I’m not suggesting that is what should be loaded into the machine. Only that the designer should provide their surface file. I don’t kn...
Did you survey that property for your old client. I’d request a meeting if he was disagreeing with my survey.
The logical choice for who provides the model is the firm that designed the project. No need to reinvent the wheel. Only QC and tweak it. On large p...
Stupid is like poop. It runs downhill.
I will continue to mark my stakes to the hundredth. It only takes a couple of seconds to write one more number on the stake. The combination of RTK ve...
@michigan-left I disagree a deed is a contract in that it conveys full rights of ownership and enjoyment of the PIQ to the grantee and extinguishes al...
Think of it as the result of the measurement revolution. I'm getting sick of reading about how precisely someone can measure especially when doing a ...
@holy-cow Beaver are a furbearer or at least they used to be. Sheared beaver makes a beautiful coat.
Is it dirt or concrete or worse yet steel? My bad, it’s a platting question. I’d change it to 31 seconds and move on to the next one. It’s a skirmi...