The X-Files is really good at putting mountains where they shouldn't be!
Currently have 3 ALTA surveys that all want zoning info but have yet to provide a zoning letter or report. Got to love them.
@field-dog actually it is a witness monument for the section corner (iron pipe with no cap.) No joke. I found a map of the ranch filed at the GLO and ...
Looks awfully familiar.
This would work well for changing out the water in my 50 gallon fish pond.
From my recent trip to Arkansas I can definitely confirm #3. Nearly had a FED-EX driver run me off the highway.
@john-hamilton which modem are you using?
Greenwood Beach Resort, Cat Island, Bahamas.
@bstrand the crew for the top rod and cap would be fired if they were mine. Everyone knows you're supposed to cut out the bottom cap just enough so yo...
@john-putnam this is 2 years old and just solved the problem for me. Learning curves are fun! Thanks for the info.
If it were me I would provide them with my hourly rate schedule and let them know that the only way I price my services is a fixed fee based on the es...
@jd00 Probably should have said that there are types of surveys I'm not comfortable with. For example I'm licensed in my state (Texas) to perform a su...
Failure to pay or slow pay on previous projects and unrealistic timelines are my top reasons. I've turned down jobs from existing clients because the ...
Not just you.
@james-fleming that's an expensive refresher/eraser!