2 Daughters 4 Grand daughters, 1 Grand Son....The only thing he can do is Pray....Baton Rouge, Surveyed there 17 Year's....jmac
Amen,Happy Day's Ahead!!!!!jmac:-)
The county Surveyor, where was he?I smell a Rat!
Shoot the HP, JOIN IN WITH THE DAUGHTER.....you will both learn.......jmac
WAL-MART ONLY!!!!!!jmac
I like that statement.....Thanks,jmac
IGRS-1I have an CORS Station only.....jmac
A LOT OF MONEY FILLED with unpaid Surveys & an A Ticket to the Cayman Island's.I will except a paper bag!!!!!!!jmac
Thank You!I wish I had a Wife that could...jmac
Thank You!CARLOS HATHCOCK!!!jmac
Thank You!NOPEF!jmac
Thank You!I never chipped paint, I was on the ground.I had a live view...jmac
:star: You have never had to survive have you???jmac
Thank You!How about One Shot One Kill....... About Hathcock.A true sniper....jmac
Thanks,That was great/ our Allies paid and still pay the same price.(LIVES)jmac
True/ we saw it all!!!jmac