Would her name have been "Sally" (and her husband Tom)?They were both foresters up there @ SFA (Go Lumberjacks) and are now in Central Tejas.Yes, she ...
cogito ergo sum...animus hominis est anima scriptii
I still have the MS Removal Tool 2.20Zone Alarm is hard-core...My Trimble Geomatics Office would not run with it. I had to uninstall Zone Alarm to ge...
I'll back up Kris on this one.When I was in the field, I used to keep a sock with sulfur in it and dust the lower legs when I got out of the truck in ...
BryanI will do.He told me about that exact photo yesterday.He said he was going to ask you to dig that one out and send it to him.I am forwarding this...
Mr. Williams, do you mind if I use that quip?That's funny.by the way, Eben K. gives his regards.I just met his folks (Gardner & Pat)today.They cam...
Gag and Sag surveys-now that's funny...
The Arkansas Rivers?Isn't that where you hear the banjos?
Don't forget 5 Easy Pieces w/ Jack Nicholson
this could fall under "overburdening the easement"
It appears their draftsmen calculate the boundary.
They aren't green & yellow, I couldn't tell you.Best I remember, Ferguson was the inventor of the 3-point system.
my mistake Andy...I was excited about solving your problem and failed to acknowledge the C3D dilemma.I have explored C3D, but that was 2 years ago. I...
use the example above, including brackets and parenthesis(cut & paste the example)
Edit your label style (or save as another). Then for the "length" multiply your feet length by .36 by including the "*"example: {Direction} {Length*0....
Mack,Nice looking GSP
it could mean Bovine Scat
I bought the app for $4 and put it on my son's iPhone a while back.My only comment: You need to wait a good while after snapping the photo button.It i...
SHOW US YOUR PUPPIES!!!I think I found my new avatar...
Also, review the "Fully Informed Jury Association" @