So what are you smoking nowadays?
I'm limiting my venturing out. Today trip to bank inside ATM. Two people at the social distance. One seemed sane. The other was this woman who must h...
@bill93 Any surplus, I am giving to a family member who is a very practical person. Her opinion of me is that I am somewhat of an impulsive sort. I th...
Always try to look on the brighter side, when there's no food left on the shelves to buy then you won't need any TP
Didn't like Trainspotting that much back then and I don't think I would ever view it now. But I did like Slumdog Millionaire. Good flick. Hey you don'...
@bill93 a few months ago, I heard in AM acoustic jazz cover and I love her by a prominent jazz guitarist. Never liked the original at all as a young p...
Sad to hear of Michael's death. When it became known that he needed a transplant back in the POB message board day, I tried to do al that I could to h...
Between the World and Me Ta-Nehisi Coates Very important book on race in America. Fresh viewpoint. ?ÿ
@dave-karoly Unfortunately, many can't forget and will never forget for personal reasons. Too many reasons. All the innocent victims will be remembere...
Most of the time in these reports that are written by General Interest scribes, the reporter will mistakenly write something in error. I have seen thi...
@dave-karoly On Facebook, if one posts maliciously about politicians or anyone for that matter they could be in some trouble with government investiga...
@dougie The late Bill Strange was an eminent geodesist. n'uf said. Mr. Geodesist. I believe back in the day he posted?ÿ geodesy and GPS primers on the...
I liked reading Mr. Jerry Penry posts about?ÿ his surveying jaunts and WWII research. I follow him on American Surveyor. Here his latest articles ?ÿ
I would think that everyone here still using these older OS are performing regular backups. Once the hard drives blow then you can fondly remember all...
@williwaw Competitiveness or arrogance or combination of both.
Female umpire today in the Little League World Series CHAMPIONSHIP. She's also a RN and a former commander in the Navy plus a mother of two boys. Two ...
When I play piano, people say that I look like President Trump. Maybe on a bad day.
@geeoddmike Interesting. Evolution, Darwinism, Gradulism. Soon(evolutionary time) they will be tap dancing. I've seen many Gator enclosures with a 4 f...