Rep. Robert Ross, who serves on the committee of professional registration and licensing... is a self-employed land surveyor and owner of a shooting range.
My bet is that he is either angling for a judgeship after his term as a legislator, or he's employing a really backwards way of making a point about educational requirements for a surveyor's license by employing absurdity regarding the attorney's license.
eapls2708, post: 359777, member: 589 wrote: My bet is that he is either angling for a judgeship after his term as a legislator, or he's employing a really backwards way of making a point about educational requirements for a surveyor's license by employing absurdity regarding the attorney's license.
I subscribe to "Fleming's Razor":
Among competing hypotheses regarding a politicians actions you must first eliminate the possiblity that he/she is a compete and utter moron before moving on to a second option.
[sarcasm]"Takes less than one day in office to be greedy"[/sarcasm]