re-monumenting the last corners to close out a project.
this was a fir post, and became an unmarked stone and someone glorified it with a 5/8" rebar and ypc stuck in the ground at about 30^ lean alongside the stone.
this is a corner that originally was a large stone 8"x18"x30" with 2 BTS.
It had ben pincushioned in the '60s with the help of a lumber company.
+/- 40 difference in positions.
later in the 60s it had been re-mon-ed with a 3/4" pipe. from 1 BT
Found an unmarked stone of slightly smaller dimensions (24" long), possibly set- within 1 foot of the pipe position. we don't know if was just the original stone unrecovered, the original stone positioned as part of setting the pipe, or what. we re-monumented the position of the pipe.
have pictures of the 1 bt remains - remains of a rotted stump at near GLO record position also... also found a rotted stump at the record position for a GLO line tree.
.this scribing doesn't look like it was done with a scribe.
It looks like the punch mark in the top photo is about 0.04' from the center of the monument. A one-piece pincushion!
I have one of the gizmos in the bottom photo. They're great for a couple of moderately-hard holes, but still no match for a corded rotohammer.
yeah- when we got it set and solid we were of the center a little bit, but didn't want to loosen it up and move it and try to get it firm again, so I stamped it offset a bit...
the cordless is for remote locations that we cant get very near with the generator.
Have a job west NW of Libby with about 210 r/w pins remaining, and there are a few rocky locations on it, where this will come into play.
Hi rankin... For us colonial-state surveyors, could you decipher some of the acronyms and initials you use in your post?
I am trying to educate myself on PLSS work flows, and this looks interesting. I certainly understand the pin cushion syndrome, but am having the devil of a time understanding what you're trying to convey here.
Thanks from just a New England surveyor.
ypc=yellow plastic cap
BTS=bearing trees
BT=bearing tree.
GLO=General Land Office
I got a comment back from a client on a survey drawing: 'too many TLA's'. I replied 'what's a TLA?'. He replied 'three letter abbreviation!'.