I'd love to have the ap but unfortunately it will never happen as my boss switched to all Trimble gear only because we were merging with another company that is all Trimble (apparently another company they bought had to switch from Leica to Trimble 🙁 <div>
The IMU on the r12i is very handy for certain things but unless I know I'm going to use it (like for a rough staking for excavation or shooting something under a fence or something) I will turn it off, because if you have to change your rod height it loses your lock and has to reinitialize the IMU again, or if you lose your lock in the trees it will struggle to reinitialize. I find it I need accuracy, the longer it has stayed fixed, the more accurate the results, so I prefer not to lose fix unless I need to confirm it's a good lock or I am doing rough work.
I imagine Trimble will be a long time before they have something similar...since they don't even have powersearch or anything similar (GPS search doesn't count unless you're using integrated surveying).